When London Finally Gave in and Started to Love



When London Finally Gave in and Started to Love

with the sardonic soot of London’s glaucous city smog and an absolute spark of a poem entitled ‘Little Ember’ scatters light upon the cobbled streets. Poem fFinally the fantastic performance poet Ernie Burns has penned his poems in a book,called When London Finally Gave in and Started to Love  so we can carry him around in our pockets! This collection ‘When London Finally Gave In and Started to Love’ is a superb distillation of five years of his writing; full of what Ernie writes best about, the heart! It’s texts are grubby with the sardonic soot of London’s glaucous city smog and an absolurom When London Finally Gave in and Started to Love By Ernie Burns

Product Details

ISBN 9781291977066
Edition First
Publisher William Cornelius Harris
Published 07 December 2014
Language English
Pages 52
Binding Perfect-bound Paperback
Interior Ink Black & white
Weight0.13 kg Dimensions (centimetres) 14.81 wide x 20.98 tall

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