
Probably the Secret Police and Other Slices

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 Probably the Secret Police and Other Slices


Nick EisenNick Eisen Performance poets in the 1980s showed Nick Eisen that poetry could be clear, entertaining and topical. This inspired him to go to clubswhere crowds cheered and laughed at rhythms and rhymes, rather than straining in literary silence to decode difficult slabs of blank verse. Nick has been performing around the changing stages of the poetry circuit on and off ever since. From 1997 to 2002 he was also Programmer at the Man In The Moon Theatre in Chelsea, which staged his play Icarus Rising, and where he did occasional stints as the “Emergency Poet” to cover unexpectedly vacant revue slots. Apart from poetry and plays or spoken word, Nick has written sketches and arts journalism, but he has never felt his work belonged in a book, until Jason Why offered this chance: Probably the Secret Police and Other Slices is Nick’s first collection. Find Nick Eisen book on South London Books

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Product Details

ISBN 9781911232049
Edition first
Publisher William Cornelius Harris Publishing
Published 21 February 2017
Language English
Pages 44
Binding Perfect-bound Paperback
Interior Ink Black & white
Weight 0.11 kg
Dimensions (centimetres) 14.81 wide x 20.98 tall

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